About Me

I am a high school student in the Communications Arts Program at Montgomery Blair High School. In my free time I usually listen to music, play sports, or hang out with friends. I play guitar and have played since 4th grade. I play basketball and baseball for Montgomery Blair as well. I really am enjoying maintaining this blog, and I like the freedom I have to post what interests me.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What Do You Want to Learn About More

The article "World Without Walls: Learning Well With Others" focused on the idea of collaboration. Collaboration is when people and share ideas about events online, and as a result learn more about the events. The article stressed the idea that students should be collaborating with others. The author argued that this would be a way for the students to expand their knowledge, while enjoying it. Also the author stated that many schools are afraid to collaborate with other people because it breaks the traditional school structure, but the author believes that collaboration would benefit students. Thus, according to the writer, collaboration should be done in all schools.

The writer wrote, "I believe their best, most memorable, and most effective teachers will be the ones they discover, not the ones they are given." This point to me is incredibly controversial. I have be a fan of about 75% of my teachers. They have taught me well, and also allowed me to have a good time in their class. I have discovered a teacher outside of school, but I believe if I did that I would still prefer my teachers in school to that person. I find the quote interesting, because although I have never discovered a teacher, I feel like I have be given awesome ones.

A thing I found suprising was that many schools don't share their work publicly. At every school I have attended there has almost always been a chance for students to share their work with the community and even beyond that. In 7th grade I was able to go to a state-wide competition called National History Day and present a web-site that I had created. I guess that I have been lucky because the schools that I have gone to have allowed me to present my work publicly. I think that all schools should do that.

I find the process of collaboration to be interesting, but I am not a fan of it. I think that it is hard to be able to constantly keep up with the people that I will be collaborating with, while trying to do homeowork and play sports. It makes there be a lot of work for something that could turn out to be a bust. I think that there is a good chance that it would be hard to find someone who has good ideas about a topic that want to learn and share information about. I have never tried collaborating, and I will try it once we start doing it, but I am not excited about it right now.

I would like to learn more about where to find good music that I could use in my videos without breaking copyright laws. Today in class my group tried to find some dramatic music on the web-site given to us, but it was impossible to find anything that sounded like what we wanted. I want to see if there are other places out there, where I could get better music.

World Without Walls

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