Currently our film is doing alright. We have now gotten our footage and need to edit it. We have a lot of shots that we are going to have to edit and it will take a lot of time, but if everything goes smoothly then it will be worth it. Our film is going to be dramatic, but also humorous, I think. The biggest challenge is going to be making the most out of our shots. We didn't get great footage, according to Andreas, but hopefully it will be good enough. This is a little concerning for me because now we can't go back and film anything again. It will successful though that we were able to get our shots and have enough actors as well.
What I personally did this week was help the group prepare for filming. I wasn't there to film because I had a baseball game, and since I am the director I had to make sure that my group got the shots that we needed. At the start of the week I edited the script some to make it include less characters. Then the following class Leah, Grace, and I went over a full list of shots that we needed and also tried to get actors. A couple days during lunch I went around the school looking for certain people that I needed to be actors and most of them committed to being in the film. It wasn't the most productive week because there wasn't a whole lot to do, but my group and I made the most out of it.
This next week I have to analyze all of the shots that we got, and I have to put them into the correct order on our final cut pro time-line. I have to also create a rough cut. I have some pretty good experience editing, and I feel confident in my ability to edit. We have about 75 shots and have two weeks to turn that into a 4 minute film, but it's due able. During the 60 second film project my group and I had to turn 60 shots into a 1 minute film in two days. That should give me some experience with this assignment. Here's my 60 second film.
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